Ever since Dr. Bob Kriegel co-founded the country’s first sports psychology institute in 1972 he’s been a trailblazer, developing groundbreaking strategies for keeping ahead of the changes and competition in both the business and sports worlds. The New York Times said his work “spurred a revolution in performance practices.” A former all-American swimmer Bob has been a ‘mental coach’ for many Olympic and professional teams and athletes. Kriegel, who US News & World Report called one of the countries leading authorities in the field of change and human performance, has been a commentator on NPR’s Marketplace program, and did two specials for PBS.
He has taught at Stanford’s Executive Management Program and co-authored the international best sellers; If it ain’t broke – BREAK IT and Inner Skiing, as well as Business Week best seller, Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers.
Quick Reference Card
Domestic Keynote Fee Range*:
Perfect for:
• Three Break-IT - thinking strategies for keeping ahead of change
• How to round up Sacred Cows that cost money, take time, and inhibit change and innovation
• Developing Change-Ready people & organizations
• Coaching skills for turning potential into performance and maximizing teamwork
• Three steps for successfully implementing innovative ideas
*Speaker fees vary based on event location, program duration and other factors, and are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for an accurate fee quote for your event.
Ever since Dr. Bob Kriegel co-founded the country’s first sports psychology institute in 1972 he’s been a trailblazer, developing groundbreaking strategies for keeping ahead of the changes and competition in both the business and sports worlds. The New York Times said his work “spurred a revolution in performance practices.” A former all-American swimmer Bob has been a ‘mental coach’ for many Olympic and professional teams and athletes. Kriegel, who US News & World Report called one of the countries leading authorities in the field of change and human performance, has been a commentator on NPR’s Marketplace program, and did two specials for PBS.
He has taught at Stanford’s Executive Management Program and co-authored the international best sellers; If it ain’t broke – BREAK IT and Inner Skiing, as well as Business Week best seller, Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers.
The old rules for success no longer apply in this current environment of increased competition, change and uncertainty. If you use yesterday’s thinking in today’s world you won’t be around tomorrow.
To survive today, companies need to be Change-Ready – to drive change by constantly challenging old thinking and seeking bold innovative out of the box new ideas, opportunities and possibilities
In these presentations you will learn bold innovative strategies for keeping ahead in these turbulent times.
Specifically Dr Kriegel will discuss how to develop Change-Ready strategies that are proactive not reactive, leaders not followers, and out in front of the wave rather than struggling to keep up.
* Four strategies for creating innovative new ideas, opportunities and possibilities.
* How to overcome the three major obstacles to change and innovation
* How to motivate people to become drivers of change
* How to streamline operations by rounding up sacred cows that cost money and inhibit change and innovation
* Why the tried and true needs to be dead and buried
* The importance of constantly challenging the status ‘in the way it’s always been done’
Surfer’s rules for riding the wave of change without wiping out
Four Break-It! thinking techniques for developing bold innovative new ideas and opportunities:
* flipping rules
* looking outside
* working backward
* combining things that haven’t been
* thinking like a beginner
* How to create a Change Ready culture in which innovation flourishes, people are open and excited about change and performing at peak levels
* Three strategies for keeping people motivated and ‘up’ in tough times
* How to overcome the most common obstacles to change and innovate new ideas
* Three steps for developing can do thinking that turns new ideas into action and increases confidence, commitment and momentum
* How to coach people to excel under pressure
* How to Round up Sacred Cows; outdated policies, practices, systems and strategies that cost money and prevent change and innovation
* How to eliminate thinking that creates sacred cows and enables them to ‘graze’ on profits and productivity
* Rules for a Sacred Cow hunt
* How to put sacred cows on a diet
* The ripple effect
* How to Streamline processes and operations
* How to control email epidemics, paper piles and meeting mania
* Cutting out vs. cutting down outdated policies and practices
"The way you tailored the presentation specifically for us was great! Your examples were relevant, the tips and techniques practical and 'do-able' in our environment." — AT&T
"Your willingness to go the 'extra mile' in learning about our business and meeting theme and incorporating that into your speech provided a high 'value-added' session. You are a true professional giving both energy and content." — IBM
"Your address was the most in tune of all the speakers I have heard over the past several years, exposing challenges that dealers and advertising people really face." — Cadillac Motor Car Division